Mapping Your Electronic Drums Easily for Midi


One of the keys to getting a quality electronic drum take is for the musician to have a good feel on the kit. Is she hearing the snare nuisances envisioned?  Does her hi-hat foot create just the right wash?  While Steven Slate Drums does an exceptional job out of the box when mapping your Roland kit. Sometimes, things can be “out-of-whack.” You will likely need to re-map your MIDI notes To fix that snare sound that isn’t triggering… the ride that sounds like a splash… etc.


Here is a “down and dirty” way to achieve these results right from the Roland Drum head.


It’s Not Polite To Point – Drum Cover



Well, here it is.  I have been working on this track for a few weeks. It is from a GREAT play-along Series called Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Play-Along. This was from Volume Two.  I highly suggest you pick-up this play-along. 






Personally, I feel pushing a big band is the toughest gig a drummer can do.  Reading, timing, color, and setting up the hits for around seven minutes is a real workout. It is even harder on an entry-level Roland Td-11… I’m not gonna’ lie…but quite doable when you use some technology tricks, feel out the kit, and work within its limitations.